Monday, June 8, 2009


o0ok so once again i havent been updating lately ...and i have a couple things i wanna share like miami 09 memorial day wkend vacay and new job things!! yay!! but i havent been having too much time to get there...but its coming...right now im at work and have a couple of minutes to spare...but on another note...i think you guys have realized how much things seem to bother me...especially on the train...omggg...

so00o imma air it out.. why are you clipping your nails next to me? does it look as if i want your nasty crusty nails on me...lik wtf...

...i know everyone had to experience this one before... you know when your sitting down and the available space next to you is only big enough to fit a LITTLE kid... but you know who sits next to you ... a BIG fat person that knowssssss they cnt fit like cmon they act if they dont know...but you know the funniest thing of it all is when they sit on the edge of the seat thinking that thats some sort of empathy ... but as each stop comes they inch their way to sitting completely back... might as well have done it from the start , but thanks for

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