Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"It's so easy, To think about Love, To Talk about Love, To wish for Love, But it's not always easy, To recognize Love, Even when we hold it.... In our hands."-Jaka

HEY GUYS! I know its been a VERY long time since I last posted and trust me when I say alot has changed. I'd love to go into complete detail with everything but that would probably take up many pages, but I'll gradually update you guys.

You ever ask yourself why you ever did something that you knew just wasn't right? yeah, me too. And then there are some questions that have no right or wrong answer, an endless debate. So, what's love? What makes someone want to be with another person? Why does someone stay knowing they are hurting? And this myself have a hard time answering. I know everyone has different relationships and they all have there ups and downs; that comes with the territory. And the only thing I could come up with is LOVE. Love is why people stay, it is why we date, marry, have children, it is what we deep down inside we all long for, after all no one wants to end up lonely. Love seems to be, or what we would like it to be a "happy" feeling, but why do some associate it with the cliche 'pain is love', or 'love is blind?' What is it that makes us unable to think straight, use what we know, and decipher the difference between what's wrong and what is right? And there are many scientific reasons like codependency, as to why someone in a bad, unhealthy or abusive relationship stays in it. Honestly to be quite frank, I wish I understood it for myself. I catch myself doing things and asking myself why? I find that I love too hard, and give my all, no matter what may have happened. Maybe there is a psychological reason, but for now I'll just say love is in fact blind and maybe we need to see what we fear.


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