Sunday, March 15, 2009


so walking to the closest chinese restaurant , from home , me and my other two friends get hit on by each guy that happen to be "chillin" in front of a corner store or liquor store. not much of a surprise there, and the usual screams of "yo ma". " ayo shorty" were shouted by these two guys. (i'll jst refrain from calling them "hoodlums." ) i mean guys no girls wanna be "hollered" at from a block away nonetheless called ridiculous names , i mean unless the girl is a what some might call a "pop" - that which was neither of us. upon us entering the chinese restaurant they thought that by banging on the window would get our attention. these fools were out of their mind! instead we jst wanted our food and get the hell out of there. but of course to make it worse they step inside the restaurant and tlk amongst each other as if we were deaf and didnt know that they were talking bout us. ( i dnt understand why guys do that) how we had jordans and we were too "fly" for them. ummm. i didnt know wearing jordans made someone fly, like that was lame. and if youre gonna try and point out the number jordan we had on, get it right! smh . i dnt even know why they even attempted anything. got our chinese food and it ended by them saying " have a lovely night ladies" umm. thanx. but those last bit of words you guys jst said doesnt mean that you guys were mature or respectful.,,afterall you guys nearly broke that chinese store window. yeah bow your head in absolute shame.

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