Monday, March 16, 2009

Rush Hour

ugh. what is it about people always being in a rush to get on the train? waiting right where the door might open, tryna take up as much space as they can .Geez can i jst wait on a platform without people giving me these looks that would kill me if they could. its like theyre saying "bitch imma get a seat on that train whether i push you or not." man i cant even breathe without these wall street successors running up behind me from the NJ transit train across the platform to the PATH train, hitting each other with their briefcases and their Wall Street Journal papers, like a flock of animals let loose into the jungle or something. i cant help but to laugh cause that asian women looked ridiculous running or because that caucasian man jst pushed that woman to get that seat on the train. Geez i want to get a seat as much as the next person but damnnn its a 22 minute ride to the trade center, you telling me you cant make it? so i have to get shoved and pushed and everything in between because your ass wants to sit first knowing I was there BEFORE YOU on that damn platform. smh. lets not mention that the ones rushing in, are the ones that take their sweet ass time getting OFF the train. werent you in such a rush earlier? NOW you wanna walk like a damn turtle NAH not this time move out my damn way cause you done pissed me off for the damn morning and i didnt have a damn iced coffee!

1 comment:

  1. randomly came across your blog ; love your post

    shot in Ireland
    tourist's act like they
    need to be seated first
    or push us

    id love to go to new york
    & experience the trains & all
    your lucky
