Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AHHH. Jersey Life.

so0o ive been blessed with a place to stay with one of my friends , Ms. URKLE and her lovely mom who took me in like a daughter, NO questions asked. the catch ? it was all the way in jersey, Belleville to be exact. i mean yeah it was a 2hr commute to work everyday but hey sumtimes you jst have to do what you have to do. . . 9-10 months later...we're finally moving back! to queens. but as i think bout all the things that happen since in jersey im tryna argue with which state is worse: NY or NJ? and i must say i think jersey has it guys! lets jst recap some of the things that has happened to me and my urkle since...
  • so jersey is sometimes good with their bus scheldule. they come at the right time , usually . but why the fuck do i have to wave my hand for the bus to stop. im CLEARLY standing by the bus stop sign , with money in my hand($2.15 for the damn bus!) , its the only bus that freakin goes there , and you jst gonna NOT STOP. you effen ASSHOLE of a bus driver. WTF so now i have to wait another 20mins for the next bus. SHIT! i thought i was gonna be early for work! guess NOT!
  • then , one time the lady wasnt gonna stop then actually did, she had the nerve to say "sweetie if you not waving ur hand im not gonna stop"- what! umm i had to say something " umm i didnt realize it was a damn cab service, its a fucking bus stop ur suppose to stop!" this biatch was saying something til i shot her down and jst put on my headphones bumpin my music "fuck you bitch!"

  • SMH . i got the FLU cause that damn bus took an HOUR to get there one night. then DOESNT STOP on my EFFEN STOP. had to wlk an extra 3 blocks in the EFFEN SNOW. wtf is up ughhhhh.

  • okok BUT on a nicer note, shouts to that nice bus driver who stops in the middle of the block if he sees you tryna catch the bus! owww. o0o and the loud nice lady who say "good morning. how r u?" to EVERY person that steps on the bus.

  • alright. so yeah , ny has christopher street and west 4th, where individuality is expressed in about every form. but did you know that down in NEWARK Penn station you can see the SAME three transvestites struting their stuff, late at night, with their weave that look better than your hair and jeans that probably get them a yeast infection faster than you! these girls or guys w.e. you wanna call them are jst crazy.

  • try to talk to me once , i shut you down. try to talk to me twice, you still get shutdown. but a THIRD time damn , so you jst didnt get the picture. (he was tryna get at ms.urkle) she was clearly IGNORING YOU , on her phone, tlking to ME and you thought that she was still interested. not to mention she kinda made you feel dumb when you asked "so am i cute?" my boo brushed that off nicely by saying " umm. i shouldnt have to tell you that. if i know i look good , why should i care what ne1 else has to say? you shouldnt care wat i have to say" LMFAO she jst didnt want to say that he was short, ugly and corny! ( oh yeah i seen him yest. night on the bus w.o. urkle and he def. was looking around lik where your friend at AND tried to get my attention...umm now i jst think he jst tryna STALK her!)

  • soo0o0o. i have to see you take your CRACK bag out frm your sock and hold it up to the light? not to mention ur girlfriend was falling off her damn seat because she was so drugged up the other day. do something better for yourself. smh.

  • people are jst bold. while i was waiting to get picked up frm the train station one day this guy asks if i had 75 cents so he can buy his ticket to go home- yeah i didnt have change. still waiting this guy ask another person, GOT the change , put it in his pocket and was still there tryna get change from ppl. so you know i saw you do that, and know you just tried to hustle me. FUCKER!

  • These damn NJ DEVIL fans. face painted red, horns jerseys and everything in between. running down the halls ,screaming acting a fool. they ANNOY the HELL outta me with their damn jersey pride. GO somewhere! and why do they have a game like EVERY NIGHT!?

man i think i can go on and on with the time we took a cab from home to penn station one night and the guy was like "why party in the city? i have a house in PA and we can jst drive there!" umm. yeah right in your dreams...but yeah shit is crazy out there. smh. too bad i have to get ready for good o' Nike and journey TWO HOURS!

2more days...

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