Thursday, March 19, 2009

listening to some tunes

hello there. (= i was going to blog about some unwritten rules today but i think i should just tlk bout some things that happened today. ( shouts to GiN...i got you next time, i think) . first off i jst wanna say that i think i had a fairly well good day. woke up in a good mood , wanted to exercise this morning but i definitely did not want to get out of bed...maybe because i was up all night looking at some damn ab workouts. lol. anywho, so yeah the bus was on time. OWWW . go me! As usual i had my ipod on (shouts to tmac love you boo!) and of course its LOUD! theres no better way to listen to music. But why is it that when these little kids that are immature and clearly on their way to first period class in HIGH SCHOOL, wanna look at me cause serani or vybz kartel or the fray is playing. so i have to have spanish ears and listen to sumthing that sounds like going ::ding ding diddi ding:: or something like that? umm. first off let me just say that i am american... so you ask why i disclaim my "hispanic" heritage. lets see ... ohhh yeah shouts out to that damn dominican lady who thought that i was a "disgrace" because i couldnt fucking speak spanish. like what the fuck i thought we were in america i can get through life only knowing english. thank you very much. might i add thanks to all those hispanics that thought i was lying to them by saying that i didnt know how to speak the language. why the hell would i lie. so YUP im freaking gonna stick to Mr. A-rod and his statement. im AMERICAN.

well yeah what the hell get outta my face and stop tryna figure out if my scarf looks good with my sneakers . then of course i had to get on that damn path train once again , during rush hour and i definitely had me some iced coffee from mickey Ds and my MUSIC so i had a smile on my face. i dnt know why ppl looked at me weird but i mean down in VA everyone was nice and smiled back so wats the problem ...oh yeah we in effen nj or nj. RUDE ASS PPL. thats why. smh. turns out ppl seem to be annoyed by my loud music . and what did i do? i smiled . inside i was laughing and wished my headphones could go a little louder cause that guy didnt have to move to the other seat and give me dirty looks. and go ahead and try to tell me my music is too loud. then the asian on the other side of me wants to huff and puff all over the place( not lik i can hear her but i can tell) and so shes tryna everything in her will power to distract herself away from the music. next thing you know shes turning on her ipod . GOOD welcome to my world woman!!!! geez . let me tell you on my way back home another asian moved to the next cart because of my music and another guy next to me was covering his ears. ahh wells. get an ipod and welcome to the fantastic world of music.

on another note i got a whomping shoutout at work from a customer. oh wait did i tell yall that no one really cared. oh then guess what ? why should i give good customer service, eff it!

so0o yeah i think there were some other key things throughout my day but idk at the movement ... but im done packing! tomorrows the big day!!!

shouts to my friends. yall know who yall are!! mi heart you guys. (=

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