Wednesday, March 25, 2009

back in ny...why?

ahhhhhhh. so ladies and gents. we are back in NEW YORK CITYYYY!!!! how great of a feeling it is to only have to use a metrocard. and the sweet aroma of nyc dump trucks and the loud rude hoodlums and the sweet girls that grill you up and down. man , this is great. but before i begin explaining my new york ish, lemme highlight a couple of things throughout the movement process.
first we lost one major help frm a good friend of ours , what a dweeb but w.e the ladies of the house definitely put some work in it the night before the big move. got all the boxes downstairs so the rest of the others dnt have to worry bout that much. then we decided to move some of the little bits of furniture , like a nightstand and a mirror. oh yeah but wait i mustve forgotten that we got the mattresses and box springs down too, after i got SMASHED into the effen wall and thought i was going to die due to lack of oxygen being transferred to my lungs at the moment. (thx jazz and tee sheesh!) lets not mention the fact that i think my bladder was going to bust at that time, lmao0 i think that would have been a good im "marking" my territory type of thing. but yeah got only 3hrs of slp that night and then before you knew it we were back in ny. took us under an hour to unload the truck!! owww. go us! smh then wen we looked around we were already overwhelm by the amount of stuff that we needed to do. i wont go into detail bout how disgusting the bathroom was and how NASTY that fridge was with a fruit roll up looking thing of soda and other liquids at the bottom, but somehow we got through it and its brand new. i dont think we had any idea of how much stuff we needed. its like everything we needed is something you KNOW your mom or dad would have taken care of, nothing we needed to worry our little behinds about. SMFH!! you guys have no idea man. but yeah we getting there slowly but shortly putting some things on the "H.W." list ((insider)) what more can i say?

ahhh now back to the other stuff. my "whys?" why in the effen world do people find it such an effen hassle to say excuse me? like c'mon ppl. geez. why is it such a big thing to see a interracial friendship? like what is it with all these close minded ppl. why must you try and show everyone what you brought w.o actually showing everyone what you brought, by speaking a little louder bout your lame sneakers you bought at jimmy jazz? so you keep putting that stuff in ur hair why? dont you notice that now you have a receding hair line? why are you wearing leggings with a short shirt if you dont have no type of body? why are you little boys tlking bout f***ing some girl ? arent you like 12? shouldnt you be home doing your homework? why are you entering the train b4 me? soo0o you aint see me get off to let some1 else off, but you wanna jst be rude and think only bout urself? right. ughhhhhh. why do people just irk the shyt out of me??

just smile(=

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