Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So what?

hello there. well in my last blog i asked "why do people find it weird to have an interracial friendship?" so this is just one thing i just don't seem to understand quite well. Another is interracial relationships. why is it that they're hard to accept?
first let me start off by saying when are we ever going to let this stuff go " hes black", "shes white", "they're spics." like damn people talk bout how we making changes by having a "black" president but shit our understanding and minds haven't changed and quite
frankly i don't think they ever will. people are so stuck in tryna be someone else, someone they're NOT! and that right there is just ridiculous. why are some parents bleaching their skin? their children's skin? cuz you think that you'll have a better life that way? umm no. you're teaching your kids already that the color of your skin matters to become successful when it doesn't. if you have the mindset to get someplace then get there nothing should hold you back. WOAH! i think i jst went off on a tangent. smh. i just get so upset.

so i have all kind of friends. different nationalities, different colors, different li
festyles, different personalities. you get the idea. but i cant help but notice that when i wlk with my friend tee, they look at her and then they look at me with that confused look like "why are they f
riends?" are you serious? so because shes brown skin she has to be with only brown skin ppl? or b/c im Hispanic i have to hang around only them? umm. i dnt think so guys we're in the 21st century get the eff over it! or how bout when i walk with one of my "lesbian" friends so you think we're a couple? ewww. no offense giin. at what point is this going to stop?

now i also had a boyfriend who is brown skin. and when we go out , its like ok guys everybody stop and look at the interracial couple. or they'll look as if they're saying "why is he with her?" or "why is she with him?" umm. geez i didnt kno i have to effen stay in the same spectrum. smh. let me tell bout the time we went to Starbucks in Macy's on 34th street. we went up there to grab some fraps and jst talk some. grab a seat next to all these damn Caucasian "successors" (you know the usual ppl that b in there, thinking they're the best cuz they wanna have a conversation about the political campaign over a cup of coffee) . there was this older "white" lady that was sitting across frm us and every once in a while shes glances over with this face of disgust. it turns out that she couldnt stand looking at an interracial couple. so we did a lil something like the clip from "save the last dance" and she looked so disgusted it was funny. but wen it all boils down it really isn't. i must say I'm kinda tired of all the looks i be getting frm (no offense) darker girls . i hate to say it , but i think they be having the toughest time seeing something like that. idk
if they feel like they having one of those moments also like in :"save the last dance" . where the woman feels as if we( i mean lighter complexions) are "stealing" their "men" ummm. idk. so i always feel as if they're giving this "wtf" attitude. or jst maybe it can all be me. i mean my friend aya use to say ppl looked at her all the time wen she was younger wen she wlked alongside her African American dad and her Japanese mom. geez i hope everyone's mindset get fixed wen she has her child with her African American boyfriend. like cmon there's no need for that. we date who we want and do as we please.

i just think its really ignorant. i mean i always have conversations jst tryna understand but i jst shake my head cause i jst cant.

** i hope i didnt offend anybody. and jst to let you guys know this is jst MY PERSONAL OPINION. there are no proven facts.

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