Monday, March 30, 2009


Patron anyone? i mean hey why not? im 21. im legal. i can walk into the liquor store now without a care in the world, instead of tryna persuade the guy behind the counter that ill be 21 in a couple of months. lol. ahhh the days wen i was young. hahaha. yeah so ive noticed that when i tend to alcohol i become more aggressive and carefree. i dnt think i have a worry in the world. i mean i dnt know if that is such a great thing but hey we all live in the moment at some time. my friends tell me i become too mean. but i swear its not me. someone always does something to piss me off. sheesh! i would jst like to drink with my friends listen to some music and jst dance and chill. but noooooooo someone has to effen push me and not say excuse me. or jst come out of nowhere with some b.s. i tell you i had some crazyyyyyyy ass nights . like time i was apparently very loud when i said some girl was extremely ugly w.o. realizing it. or the time when i found myself trap in some revolving doors cause my friends didnt want me to move after i said some girl looked like a man. smh. and then ended up acting lik miley cirus on the bus ride home. lmaoo0 but hey its w.e. i mean its good wen you know im with my boyfriend. lol. i wont go into details there. but man ill tell yuh i wake up to feeling muscles i never knew existed. =x.

i remember the first drink i had, given to me by my sister who said " i wont tell mommy" . i was hesistant, only as a front tho cuz i knew i jst wanted to taste it! it was a mudslide . i was like damn thats all!? it tasted like chocolate milk. and i was ohhhh yeah lemme get some more. hehehe. O=) not knowing that they all had a different taste... some which were not that great...then high school was fun too. smh our "water" bottles that held liquor clearer then anything. and boy was i shocked when i took some bacardi puerto rican rum. it burned as helll. but i put on a front and was like "ehh" that was nothing. lmao0. ahhh. good o' days.

WARNING : guyss im not an alcoholic, i swear. if i was ill go to one of those AA meetings, i promise! i dnt exactly know why i like to drink. but i jst feel reallll relaxed wen i do. so jst blame it on the alcohol. ::shrugs::

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