Friday, April 3, 2009


alright so this is just going to be a really random one just because we have company over right now and there are so many different convos going on and honestly im not paying attention because i have madd shyt on my mind. Like i dont understand why certain things just dont seem to be working out for me. i dont quite understand what i can do to make shyt work or to make everything erase from my head and start from scratch. ive been noticing my temper has been getting out of control and every little thing just annoy me and i end up getting upset. i realize that i have made my mistakes, and others as well. but for some reason it isnt easy for me to forget. i think i made the step to forgive but theres always something wrong. why cant i jst be fine and smile. it has become overwhelming. everything that has happened to me im not sure where i am going and i dont know if i can even make it through. im not sure if i take out my anger on a certain person cause they are right there. its like a fight within myself that i seem to take control of. i wish i can go back. probably like everyone else in the world except those who believe "things happen for a reason" my mind is actually all over the place. and my heart? who knows. i dnt know why they are always at war with each other like cant they get it together? sheesh i freaking through my phone against the wall the other day. i dnt think that was good. but it aggrevates me when someone isnt trying to listen or even trying period. ugh you guys probably have no idea wat im talking bout but yeah.

so its Fab vs. jay-z vs lil wayne. arguments. ugh. smh. wtf. smfh. stfu. lol. ttyl.

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