Monday, March 30, 2009


Patron anyone? i mean hey why not? im 21. im legal. i can walk into the liquor store now without a care in the world, instead of tryna persuade the guy behind the counter that ill be 21 in a couple of months. lol. ahhh the days wen i was young. hahaha. yeah so ive noticed that when i tend to alcohol i become more aggressive and carefree. i dnt think i have a worry in the world. i mean i dnt know if that is such a great thing but hey we all live in the moment at some time. my friends tell me i become too mean. but i swear its not me. someone always does something to piss me off. sheesh! i would jst like to drink with my friends listen to some music and jst dance and chill. but noooooooo someone has to effen push me and not say excuse me. or jst come out of nowhere with some b.s. i tell you i had some crazyyyyyyy ass nights . like time i was apparently very loud when i said some girl was extremely ugly w.o. realizing it. or the time when i found myself trap in some revolving doors cause my friends didnt want me to move after i said some girl looked like a man. smh. and then ended up acting lik miley cirus on the bus ride home. lmaoo0 but hey its w.e. i mean its good wen you know im with my boyfriend. lol. i wont go into details there. but man ill tell yuh i wake up to feeling muscles i never knew existed. =x.

i remember the first drink i had, given to me by my sister who said " i wont tell mommy" . i was hesistant, only as a front tho cuz i knew i jst wanted to taste it! it was a mudslide . i was like damn thats all!? it tasted like chocolate milk. and i was ohhhh yeah lemme get some more. hehehe. O=) not knowing that they all had a different taste... some which were not that great...then high school was fun too. smh our "water" bottles that held liquor clearer then anything. and boy was i shocked when i took some bacardi puerto rican rum. it burned as helll. but i put on a front and was like "ehh" that was nothing. lmao0. ahhh. good o' days.

WARNING : guyss im not an alcoholic, i swear. if i was ill go to one of those AA meetings, i promise! i dnt exactly know why i like to drink. but i jst feel reallll relaxed wen i do. so jst blame it on the alcohol. ::shrugs::

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So what?

hello there. well in my last blog i asked "why do people find it weird to have an interracial friendship?" so this is just one thing i just don't seem to understand quite well. Another is interracial relationships. why is it that they're hard to accept?
first let me start off by saying when are we ever going to let this stuff go " hes black", "shes white", "they're spics." like damn people talk bout how we making changes by having a "black" president but shit our understanding and minds haven't changed and quite
frankly i don't think they ever will. people are so stuck in tryna be someone else, someone they're NOT! and that right there is just ridiculous. why are some parents bleaching their skin? their children's skin? cuz you think that you'll have a better life that way? umm no. you're teaching your kids already that the color of your skin matters to become successful when it doesn't. if you have the mindset to get someplace then get there nothing should hold you back. WOAH! i think i jst went off on a tangent. smh. i just get so upset.

so i have all kind of friends. different nationalities, different colors, different li
festyles, different personalities. you get the idea. but i cant help but notice that when i wlk with my friend tee, they look at her and then they look at me with that confused look like "why are they f
riends?" are you serious? so because shes brown skin she has to be with only brown skin ppl? or b/c im Hispanic i have to hang around only them? umm. i dnt think so guys we're in the 21st century get the eff over it! or how bout when i walk with one of my "lesbian" friends so you think we're a couple? ewww. no offense giin. at what point is this going to stop?

now i also had a boyfriend who is brown skin. and when we go out , its like ok guys everybody stop and look at the interracial couple. or they'll look as if they're saying "why is he with her?" or "why is she with him?" umm. geez i didnt kno i have to effen stay in the same spectrum. smh. let me tell bout the time we went to Starbucks in Macy's on 34th street. we went up there to grab some fraps and jst talk some. grab a seat next to all these damn Caucasian "successors" (you know the usual ppl that b in there, thinking they're the best cuz they wanna have a conversation about the political campaign over a cup of coffee) . there was this older "white" lady that was sitting across frm us and every once in a while shes glances over with this face of disgust. it turns out that she couldnt stand looking at an interracial couple. so we did a lil something like the clip from "save the last dance" and she looked so disgusted it was funny. but wen it all boils down it really isn't. i must say I'm kinda tired of all the looks i be getting frm (no offense) darker girls . i hate to say it , but i think they be having the toughest time seeing something like that. idk
if they feel like they having one of those moments also like in :"save the last dance" . where the woman feels as if we( i mean lighter complexions) are "stealing" their "men" ummm. idk. so i always feel as if they're giving this "wtf" attitude. or jst maybe it can all be me. i mean my friend aya use to say ppl looked at her all the time wen she was younger wen she wlked alongside her African American dad and her Japanese mom. geez i hope everyone's mindset get fixed wen she has her child with her African American boyfriend. like cmon there's no need for that. we date who we want and do as we please.

i just think its really ignorant. i mean i always have conversations jst tryna understand but i jst shake my head cause i jst cant.

** i hope i didnt offend anybody. and jst to let you guys know this is jst MY PERSONAL OPINION. there are no proven facts.

back in ny...why?

ahhhhhhh. so ladies and gents. we are back in NEW YORK CITYYYY!!!! how great of a feeling it is to only have to use a metrocard. and the sweet aroma of nyc dump trucks and the loud rude hoodlums and the sweet girls that grill you up and down. man , this is great. but before i begin explaining my new york ish, lemme highlight a couple of things throughout the movement process.
first we lost one major help frm a good friend of ours , what a dweeb but w.e the ladies of the house definitely put some work in it the night before the big move. got all the boxes downstairs so the rest of the others dnt have to worry bout that much. then we decided to move some of the little bits of furniture , like a nightstand and a mirror. oh yeah but wait i mustve forgotten that we got the mattresses and box springs down too, after i got SMASHED into the effen wall and thought i was going to die due to lack of oxygen being transferred to my lungs at the moment. (thx jazz and tee sheesh!) lets not mention the fact that i think my bladder was going to bust at that time, lmao0 i think that would have been a good im "marking" my territory type of thing. but yeah got only 3hrs of slp that night and then before you knew it we were back in ny. took us under an hour to unload the truck!! owww. go us! smh then wen we looked around we were already overwhelm by the amount of stuff that we needed to do. i wont go into detail bout how disgusting the bathroom was and how NASTY that fridge was with a fruit roll up looking thing of soda and other liquids at the bottom, but somehow we got through it and its brand new. i dont think we had any idea of how much stuff we needed. its like everything we needed is something you KNOW your mom or dad would have taken care of, nothing we needed to worry our little behinds about. SMFH!! you guys have no idea man. but yeah we getting there slowly but shortly putting some things on the "H.W." list ((insider)) what more can i say?

ahhh now back to the other stuff. my "whys?" why in the effen world do people find it such an effen hassle to say excuse me? like c'mon ppl. geez. why is it such a big thing to see a interracial friendship? like what is it with all these close minded ppl. why must you try and show everyone what you brought w.o actually showing everyone what you brought, by speaking a little louder bout your lame sneakers you bought at jimmy jazz? so you keep putting that stuff in ur hair why? dont you notice that now you have a receding hair line? why are you wearing leggings with a short shirt if you dont have no type of body? why are you little boys tlking bout f***ing some girl ? arent you like 12? shouldnt you be home doing your homework? why are you entering the train b4 me? soo0o you aint see me get off to let some1 else off, but you wanna jst be rude and think only bout urself? right. ughhhhhh. why do people just irk the shyt out of me??

just smile(=

Thursday, March 19, 2009

listening to some tunes

hello there. (= i was going to blog about some unwritten rules today but i think i should just tlk bout some things that happened today. ( shouts to GiN...i got you next time, i think) . first off i jst wanna say that i think i had a fairly well good day. woke up in a good mood , wanted to exercise this morning but i definitely did not want to get out of bed...maybe because i was up all night looking at some damn ab workouts. lol. anywho, so yeah the bus was on time. OWWW . go me! As usual i had my ipod on (shouts to tmac love you boo!) and of course its LOUD! theres no better way to listen to music. But why is it that when these little kids that are immature and clearly on their way to first period class in HIGH SCHOOL, wanna look at me cause serani or vybz kartel or the fray is playing. so i have to have spanish ears and listen to sumthing that sounds like going ::ding ding diddi ding:: or something like that? umm. first off let me just say that i am american... so you ask why i disclaim my "hispanic" heritage. lets see ... ohhh yeah shouts out to that damn dominican lady who thought that i was a "disgrace" because i couldnt fucking speak spanish. like what the fuck i thought we were in america i can get through life only knowing english. thank you very much. might i add thanks to all those hispanics that thought i was lying to them by saying that i didnt know how to speak the language. why the hell would i lie. so YUP im freaking gonna stick to Mr. A-rod and his statement. im AMERICAN.

well yeah what the hell get outta my face and stop tryna figure out if my scarf looks good with my sneakers . then of course i had to get on that damn path train once again , during rush hour and i definitely had me some iced coffee from mickey Ds and my MUSIC so i had a smile on my face. i dnt know why ppl looked at me weird but i mean down in VA everyone was nice and smiled back so wats the problem ...oh yeah we in effen nj or nj. RUDE ASS PPL. thats why. smh. turns out ppl seem to be annoyed by my loud music . and what did i do? i smiled . inside i was laughing and wished my headphones could go a little louder cause that guy didnt have to move to the other seat and give me dirty looks. and go ahead and try to tell me my music is too loud. then the asian on the other side of me wants to huff and puff all over the place( not lik i can hear her but i can tell) and so shes tryna everything in her will power to distract herself away from the music. next thing you know shes turning on her ipod . GOOD welcome to my world woman!!!! geez . let me tell you on my way back home another asian moved to the next cart because of my music and another guy next to me was covering his ears. ahh wells. get an ipod and welcome to the fantastic world of music.

on another note i got a whomping shoutout at work from a customer. oh wait did i tell yall that no one really cared. oh then guess what ? why should i give good customer service, eff it!

so0o yeah i think there were some other key things throughout my day but idk at the movement ... but im done packing! tomorrows the big day!!!

shouts to my friends. yall know who yall are!! mi heart you guys. (=

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AHHH. Jersey Life.

so0o ive been blessed with a place to stay with one of my friends , Ms. URKLE and her lovely mom who took me in like a daughter, NO questions asked. the catch ? it was all the way in jersey, Belleville to be exact. i mean yeah it was a 2hr commute to work everyday but hey sumtimes you jst have to do what you have to do. . . 9-10 months later...we're finally moving back! to queens. but as i think bout all the things that happen since in jersey im tryna argue with which state is worse: NY or NJ? and i must say i think jersey has it guys! lets jst recap some of the things that has happened to me and my urkle since...
  • so jersey is sometimes good with their bus scheldule. they come at the right time , usually . but why the fuck do i have to wave my hand for the bus to stop. im CLEARLY standing by the bus stop sign , with money in my hand($2.15 for the damn bus!) , its the only bus that freakin goes there , and you jst gonna NOT STOP. you effen ASSHOLE of a bus driver. WTF so now i have to wait another 20mins for the next bus. SHIT! i thought i was gonna be early for work! guess NOT!
  • then , one time the lady wasnt gonna stop then actually did, she had the nerve to say "sweetie if you not waving ur hand im not gonna stop"- what! umm i had to say something " umm i didnt realize it was a damn cab service, its a fucking bus stop ur suppose to stop!" this biatch was saying something til i shot her down and jst put on my headphones bumpin my music "fuck you bitch!"

  • SMH . i got the FLU cause that damn bus took an HOUR to get there one night. then DOESNT STOP on my EFFEN STOP. had to wlk an extra 3 blocks in the EFFEN SNOW. wtf is up ughhhhh.

  • okok BUT on a nicer note, shouts to that nice bus driver who stops in the middle of the block if he sees you tryna catch the bus! owww. o0o and the loud nice lady who say "good morning. how r u?" to EVERY person that steps on the bus.

  • alright. so yeah , ny has christopher street and west 4th, where individuality is expressed in about every form. but did you know that down in NEWARK Penn station you can see the SAME three transvestites struting their stuff, late at night, with their weave that look better than your hair and jeans that probably get them a yeast infection faster than you! these girls or guys w.e. you wanna call them are jst crazy.

  • try to talk to me once , i shut you down. try to talk to me twice, you still get shutdown. but a THIRD time damn , so you jst didnt get the picture. (he was tryna get at ms.urkle) she was clearly IGNORING YOU , on her phone, tlking to ME and you thought that she was still interested. not to mention she kinda made you feel dumb when you asked "so am i cute?" my boo brushed that off nicely by saying " umm. i shouldnt have to tell you that. if i know i look good , why should i care what ne1 else has to say? you shouldnt care wat i have to say" LMFAO she jst didnt want to say that he was short, ugly and corny! ( oh yeah i seen him yest. night on the bus w.o. urkle and he def. was looking around lik where your friend at AND tried to get my attention...umm now i jst think he jst tryna STALK her!)

  • soo0o0o. i have to see you take your CRACK bag out frm your sock and hold it up to the light? not to mention ur girlfriend was falling off her damn seat because she was so drugged up the other day. do something better for yourself. smh.

  • people are jst bold. while i was waiting to get picked up frm the train station one day this guy asks if i had 75 cents so he can buy his ticket to go home- yeah i didnt have change. still waiting this guy ask another person, GOT the change , put it in his pocket and was still there tryna get change from ppl. so you know i saw you do that, and know you just tried to hustle me. FUCKER!

  • These damn NJ DEVIL fans. face painted red, horns jerseys and everything in between. running down the halls ,screaming acting a fool. they ANNOY the HELL outta me with their damn jersey pride. GO somewhere! and why do they have a game like EVERY NIGHT!?

man i think i can go on and on with the time we took a cab from home to penn station one night and the guy was like "why party in the city? i have a house in PA and we can jst drive there!" umm. yeah right in your dreams...but yeah shit is crazy out there. smh. too bad i have to get ready for good o' Nike and journey TWO HOURS!

2more days...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Rush Hour

ugh. what is it about people always being in a rush to get on the train? waiting right where the door might open, tryna take up as much space as they can .Geez can i jst wait on a platform without people giving me these looks that would kill me if they could. its like theyre saying "bitch imma get a seat on that train whether i push you or not." man i cant even breathe without these wall street successors running up behind me from the NJ transit train across the platform to the PATH train, hitting each other with their briefcases and their Wall Street Journal papers, like a flock of animals let loose into the jungle or something. i cant help but to laugh cause that asian women looked ridiculous running or because that caucasian man jst pushed that woman to get that seat on the train. Geez i want to get a seat as much as the next person but damnnn its a 22 minute ride to the trade center, you telling me you cant make it? so i have to get shoved and pushed and everything in between because your ass wants to sit first knowing I was there BEFORE YOU on that damn platform. smh. lets not mention that the ones rushing in, are the ones that take their sweet ass time getting OFF the train. werent you in such a rush earlier? NOW you wanna walk like a damn turtle NAH not this time move out my damn way cause you done pissed me off for the damn morning and i didnt have a damn iced coffee!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


so walking to the closest chinese restaurant , from home , me and my other two friends get hit on by each guy that happen to be "chillin" in front of a corner store or liquor store. not much of a surprise there, and the usual screams of "yo ma". " ayo shorty" were shouted by these two guys. (i'll jst refrain from calling them "hoodlums." ) i mean guys no girls wanna be "hollered" at from a block away nonetheless called ridiculous names , i mean unless the girl is a what some might call a "pop" - that which was neither of us. upon us entering the chinese restaurant they thought that by banging on the window would get our attention. these fools were out of their mind! instead we jst wanted our food and get the hell out of there. but of course to make it worse they step inside the restaurant and tlk amongst each other as if we were deaf and didnt know that they were talking bout us. ( i dnt understand why guys do that) how we had jordans and we were too "fly" for them. ummm. i didnt know wearing jordans made someone fly, like that was lame. and if youre gonna try and point out the number jordan we had on, get it right! smh . i dnt even know why they even attempted anything. got our chinese food and it ended by them saying " have a lovely night ladies" umm. thanx. but those last bit of words you guys jst said doesnt mean that you guys were mature or respectful.,,afterall you guys nearly broke that chinese store window. yeah bow your head in absolute shame.